WooCommerce – German translation
WooCommerce updates may result in some sections of your shop being displayed in both English and German. German Market has been fully translated by us and has no influence on the translation of WooCommerce.
The translation of WooCommerce is organized by the WooCommerce community. In some cases a WooCommerce release may occur before the completion of the respective language files. The current WooCommerce language files are available at: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/woocommerce.
You have two options here: One is to complete the language files yourself, for example using a plugin such as Loco Translate https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/. The other applies if you only realize that the language file is incomplete after you have carried out an update, and involves undoing the update (i.e. loading in your previous backup) and waiting for the translation to be completed before you implement the update. Another alternative is to reinstall an earlier version of WooCommerce. Earlier versions of WooCommerce can be downloaded from https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/advanced/
You should ideally always test new releases on a separate test system before updating your live shop. One of the benefits of this approach is the opportunity to check whether or not the content of the update has been fully translated.