German Market is not just a way to maximize the legal security of your online shop. On the contrary: It is a comprehensive package that takes care of many of your administrative tasks, for example the generation of invoices and returns forms, efficient cancellation handling and the dovetailing of your shop with your accounting processes.
Got big plans for the future? German Market gets your shop ready for not only the German-speaking area, but also the EU as a whole and a variety of other attractive target markets.
Peace of mind. And a bigger piece of the pie.
When you install German Market it will set up all pages essential to the legally secure operation of your online shop. Examples include a legal notice, general terms and conditions and a cancellation policy. Corresponding templates come with German Market as standard. In most cases you simply need to add a few pieces of information (e.g. your address).
Additional information concerning issues such as VAT, delivery times, shipping costs and price per unit is displayed in all places where this is a legal requirement (e.g. on product pages and at the checkout). You don’t need to worry about making changes to either your theme or WooCommerce – German Market makes sure everything is displayed properly.
Compliance with GDPR is compulsory for all traders. German Market is here to help, for example with all the essential legal content you require, checkboxes for data protection and shipping firms and a customizable checkbox. You also benefit from an opt-in function and customizable descriptions and error notifications for maximum flexibility.
German Market facilitates compliance with the German Small Business Regulation (Kleinunternehmerregelung) at the click of a button. From then on German Market will ensure that your online shop no longer shows VAT and includes the legal notice required under the terms of UStG §19 (German) or UStG §6 (Austria). This function now includes a customizable notice.
German Market comes with all essential legal texts as standard. If you would prefer to automatically receive the latest versions as they are released you need look no further than our interfaces with IT-Recht Kanzlei and Protected Shops. Verified legal texts will be integrated into your WooCommerce shop and updated on a continuous basis – giving you even better protection against cease and desist orders. This function also features legal texts ready for incorporation into customer emails and an integrated legal text configurator for Protected Shops.
Our Price Per Unit editor enables you to define product dimensions and display them in your shop. A price is calculated for not only each individual product but also each product variant. You can therefore also use the editor to set prices for variable products.
A special editor enables you to configure individual labels for delivery times and strikethrough prices. The labels can be fine-tuned to your requirements and cater to specific products and/or product variants. You also have the option to globally deactivate delivery times and strikethrough prices on product pages and/or product summary pages.
This optional function adds an extra row containing additional customer information to the table in the cart. Such information includes links to shipping options, the respective cancellation policy and payment types.
This function gives you the option to add a notice to the cart page informing the customer that taxes and shipping costs are to be seen as estimates until they provide their invoicing and shipping address. This is especially important in the case of EU orders and orders placed by guests (i.e. non-registered users).
This function is again optional and displays a short product description on the checkout page. This is particularly useful if the product description contains legally relevant information. You can also use this function to notify your customers of things they need to know about your products, shipping terms and payment types.
Tax due in connection with ancillary services (e.g. shipping costs) is calculated on the basis of the tax rates that apply to the items currently in the cart. The calculation method applied by this function is rarely used but nevertheless legally binding in Germany and Austria.
Do you sell foodstuffs through your online shop? If so, this needs to be properly declared. German Market is the first plugin for the German-speaking market that ensures the full compliance of WooCommerce shops with the EU Food Information Regulation. Nutritional values, calories, allergens, vitamins, minerals, weights and other information required under the terms of the regulation are presented in a clear and well-structured manner.
If you only offer goods on a B2B-only basis you must ensure that retail consumers do not use your shop. Failure to do so puts you at risk of cease and desist orders. Shop owners who choose German Market enjoy peace of mind thanks to the integration of VAT number validation into the checkout process. We also recommend taking a look at B2B Market – our all-inclusive solution for online B2B shops that sell to business customers and retail consumers alike.
If an order is shipped to a business customer with a valid VAT number in another EU member state the corresponding invoice or order confirmation email may need to include the annotation “Intra-Community supply”. German Market ensures compliance with this requirement.
In the case of online contracts German law differentiates between confirmation of order receipt and confirmation of the conclusion of a contract. When used in isolation WooCommerce is unable to make this differentiation. German Market fills this gap by giving you the option to send an email confirming order receipt straight after the customer clicks the Buy button. The text included in the email advises the customer that the email simply confirms the receipt of their order.
Our plugin supports an optional double-opt-in procedure for the registration of new customers. After registering with your shop customers receive an email containing a confirmation link. Their customer account is only activated once they have clicked on the link.
German Market enables you to display basic prices in your online shop, for example “€1.00 per 100ml”. You are already required to do so in the case of a large number of product groups – and now it is even easier to enter basic prices in the backend of your shop. If you change the (discounted) sale price of your goods the basic price is adjusted automatically – saving you the hassle of manual adjustment and preventing pricing errors. This function now also enables you to automatically adopt the weights entered in WooCommerce.
In some cases you may wish to display alternative shipping information, for example in connection with bulky goods, goods shipped using a forwarding agent or the availability of multiple shipping options. Our plugin enables you to save an alternative shipping costs notice (in text form) that will be shown to the customer when they view the product in question.
This function enables you to add an age confirmation process to your WooCommerce shop. Options include the specification of a minimum age for each product, a customizable checkbox, a free text field for age entry, support for variable products and the definition of specific shipping types for age-restricted goods.
German Market offers a number of means to ensure the prices of variable products are displayed in the best possible way. One example is the display of the final price of the variant selected by the customer (as opposed to the price range determined by WooCommerce). This makes the order process more transparent.
Your one-stop shop for invoices, returns forms and cancellation invoices
Our easy-to-use modules enable you to generate and send individualized PDF documents such as invoices, delivery notes and returns forms for any order. This saves you having to buy and configure extra plugins. Recently added features include a bulk PDF export function and compatibility with WooCommerce PDF Vouchers.
All PDF templates can be customized to match your shop’s corporate design with just a few clicks. General PDF settings such as name, filename (frontend and backend), paper size and color, page orientation (portrait/landscape) and margins are supplemented by a range of other options. Ensure nothing but professional communication with your customers – choose German Market for your WooCommerce shop.
The cancellation module integrated into German Market enables you to keep track of all your refunds. The summary page can also be set up to show multiple refunds relating to a single order. This allows you to keep a constant check on returns and cancelled orders. You can use the module to generate PDFs for specific cancellations and send them to the respective customers. It is now also possible to retrospectively edit cancellation numbers.
Download invoices and cancellation invoices in bulk, generate new invoices (e.g. further to changes of address), choose between “net price per product” and “total net price” and incorporate order notes: Whatever your requirements, German Market offers a huge number of tools that will simplify your day-to-day admin.
Customize the cancellation number, cancellation ID, cancellation date, order number, invoice number and payment type to suit your exact requirements.
German Market makes it possible to set and display a different due date for each individual payment type. The date is also adopted in PDF invoices and WooCommerce emails. To give an example, you can use this function to set different due dates for cash on delivery, PayPal and payment on account.
“Payment on account” is a fully integrated payment type. You can select the order status of your choice and opt to only offer this payment type to registered users or regular customers (e.g. “This option becomes available after you have placed X orders”). A corresponding note is included in emails confirming order receipt.
German Market is fully compatible with the payment service Amazon Payments (also known as Amazon Pay).
You can opt to allow your customers to print their invoices and returns forms themselves. They need to log into their customer account to do so. On their order summary page they will find a button enabling them to print or download the document in question.
German Market makes it easier for you to give your customers the option to pay by SEPA direct debit. Features include a customizable direct debit form, an individual reference number, selectable order status options, XML export, archivable SEPA direct debit forms and much more besides.
You can attach the PDF invoices generated by German Market to the subscription extension emails generated by WooCommerce Subscriptions – a smooth, simple way to sell products by subscription.
Passe den Text, die Betreffzeile sowie die Kopfzeile der E-Mail-Bestellbestätigung direkt in den Optionen von German Market an. Alternativ kannst du diese E-Mail dort auch komplett deaktivieren. Arbeite dabei mit Platzhaltern für den Shop-Namen, die Bestellnummer oder für das Bestelldatum, um deine Bestellbestätigung individuell und damit kundenfreundlich zu gestalten.
You can also opt to include the item number, weight (delivery note only), delivery date (in the delivery note) and short product descriptions. The returns form can now also be attached to the “order confirmation” and “order pending” emails.
Fully integrated add-ons
With German Market, there is a direct connection between WooCommerce and the well-known accounting software Lexware Office. You can send your WooCommerce orders to Lexware Office as inbound or outbound documents. You can also transfer your refunds. Benefit from a variety of other functions that ensure correct accounting. Including the transfer of voucher contact data and account reconciliation based on the customer email. If you activate automatic transmission, orders are automatically sent to Lexware Office when you mark them as “Completed” in WooCommerce.
sevdesk is a user-friendly online office suite. It enables you to generate invoices and quotes, do your accounts and control your customer and stock management systems. You can set up German Market to send your order and voucher data straight to sevdesk, where it will be allocated to the respective payments. This significant reduces the time you spend on admin. New options include automatic dispatch as soon as an order has been marked as completed and automatic refunds as soon as they have been generated. It is now also possible to send customer data concerning guest orders from WooCommerce to sevdesk.
Billbee is a multichannel-ready materials management system for online shops. It facilitates standardized stock management as well as order delivery using DHL, DPD, Deutsche Post, UPS and Hermes. German Market enables the creation of a direct connection between Billbee and WooCommerce. Users can then retrieve the corresponding Billbee order straight from the order summary page.
This optional module automatically generates a consecutive reference number for your invoices and cancellation invoices. Our solution not only makes additional plugins a thing of the past, but is also able to handle multiple sites. Invoice numbers can be reset automatically at the end of each year, month or even day.
German Market enables you to automatically hide all other shipping options from the checkout as soon as an order becomes eligible for free delivery (e.g. as a result of the customer reaching the specified minimum order value). Other free shipping options such as “free to collect” are also catered for.
This option replaces the (otherwise essential) shipping costs link with the text “Free Delivery”. This does not change any of your shipping settings. You must nevertheless ensure that free delivery is available for all products before you activate this option.
The EU Consumer Rights Directive was brought into German law on 13 June 2014. German Market ensures full compliance by offering the additional product type “EU Digital”. The existing product types “Downloadable” and “Virtual” are still fully supported in accordance with the respective WooCommerce definitions.
If a product is no longer in stock the shipping information on the product page is automatically hidden. This only applies if you use the WooCommerce Stock Manager.
Choose this option to display the time of order for every order listed on the Orders page in WooCommerce.
German Market gives you the option to deactivate the sending of email attachments containing legal information to the Shop Admin. If you do so only your customers will receive the attachments (and with them all essential legal information).
You have the option to prevent order completion if the cart contains one or more free/unpriced products. This is particularly useful if you have inadvertently failed to set a price for a product, as it prevents the placement of customer orders containing errors that will be nothing but a drain on your time, energy and finances. You can also define a corresponding error message.
This option enables you to check incoming orders before accepting or clearing them for processing. If this option is active the customer will only receive an email confirming the receipt of their order, which you can then check and clear manually. Only once you have cleared the order for processing will the customer receive a further email containing payment information and confirmation of order acceptance.
You can opt to deactivate the second checkout page and the classification of the customer’s telephone number as a required field. You also have the option to remove the price per unit. Checkboxes and order buttons on the checkout page can be customized in accordance with your requirements.
German Market enables you to add static (i.e. unchanging) attachments to WooCommerce emails, for example general terms and conditions, a returns form or other customer information.
You can define CC and BCC recipients for customer emails generated by WooCommerce. This is useful if you wish the Shop Admin or another employee to receive a copy of every email sent to your customers.
German Market now works even better with WooCommerce and WordPress themes from a variety of providers. Examples include Avada, Divi Page Builder, Flatsome and Astra – to name but a few. If your theme also applies to the checkout page this can be handled in a way that prevents conflict with German Market. We also support a large number of themes from smaller providers which are not optimized for the German-speaking market.
You can use German Market to activate or deactivate the product images shown in the cart, on the checkout page, in the order summary and in emails. This gives you even greater flexibility and allows you to strike the right balance between consistency of presentation and page speed.
This function displays all product attributes in the cart, the checkout page and in the order summary – even if some of those attributes do not apply to the selected product variants or variable products. This gives you an extra opportunity to provide customers with important information about your products.
Our developers have added the text “Off | On” to buttons for visual settings in the backend of German Market. This means that the buttons can also be read using screen readers and used by screen reader users. The aim of this solution is to enhance the accessibility of WooCommerce and German Market.
Looking to set up a B2B shop using WooCommerce? Or a mixed shop for business customers and retail consumers? You’ll be pleased to hear that German Market dovetails perfectly with our B2B Market solution. By combining the two plugins you benefit from a comprehensive solution for the legally compliant establishment and operation of your new B2B and B2C shop.
Sell to the EU and beyond
If you sell digital products to consumers within the EU it is important that product prices are properly displayed in your WooCommerce shop. This module ensures that prices are displayed in accordance with the EU VAT regulations introduced on 1 January 2015. Among other processes, this involves the dynamic calculation of the correct taxes when the customer reaches the checkout. Taxes are calculated on the basis of the tax rates set by you for the respective EU country.
This function enables you to validate a customer’s EU VAT number. Any VAT number issued in the EU can be officially validated on the EC website. German Market supports this process and facilitates the integration thereof into your online shop. German Market is now also WireCard compatible.
If you ship goods to non-EU countries you have the option to display a corresponding notice on product pages. This can now be set up directly in the backend. The notice explains that shipping to non-EU countries may incur additional costs such as customs duties or taxes.
Enhanced dovetailing with multilingual WordPress solutions such as MultilingualPress, WPML and Polylang.
The translation of text generated by German Market options and add-ons couldn’t be simpler. Solutions such as WPML enable you to display texts in different languages in the frontend of your shop.
In the case of exports to non-EU countries German Market enables you to display an optional notice declaring the transaction as a “VAT-free export”.