Settings for product data

Permalink General information

From version 3.36 you can influence the output of the additional information in the following menu
WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Product data.
For example, you can completely deactivate the automatic output if you want to add the additional information yourself via shortcodes or blocks. You also have the option of changing the order of the additional information or only hiding individual elements.

Permalink Tax output

The output of the tax information from German Market is usually in this format:
“Includes 19% VAT”.
To change the word “Includes” to something else, such as “incl.”, you can use the setting
WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Product data -> Prefix tax output gross
Enter your desired word here.
If you have set your WooCommerce settings so that your prices are not displayed including tax, you can use the setting Prefix tax output net to change the word “Plus”.
If you want a general tax output, e.g. “incl. VAT”, you can use the setting in the EU VAT add-on.

Permalink Advanced settings

If you want to deactivate the automatic output of additional information, you can use the settings Disable automatic output of product data and Disable automatic output of product data for variations.

German Market contains special code for some themes so that the price output is correct and German Market is compatible with the respective theme. If this is the case for your activated theme, the setting Disable customization for theme compatibility is available. If you do not want to use the separate customization, activate this setting.

If you use one of the page builders “Elementor” or “Bakery”, German Market will add the additional information after the price has been output by the respective page builder. If one of these page builders is active, you will find a separate setting to deactivate the automatic output (Disable automatic output of product data after “Elementor Page Builder” price or Disable automatic output of product data after “Bakery Page Builder” price).

Permalink Customize automatic output of product data and change their order

You can use the following setting to adjust the order and visibility of additional product data:
WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Product data -> Advanced settings -> Change automatically displayed product data and their order
If you do this, you should clarify whether the resulting output is legally correct.
If you activate this setting, settings for Sortable Product Data in Shop and Sortable Product Data on Single Product Pages are available.

You can move the order of the individual elements using “drag & drop”. You cannot move the “Price” element. You can deactivate or reactivate individual elements with the “On/Off switch”.

You can use the “Tax & shipping” element to display the information on taxes and shipping in one line. If you do this, you should deactivate the “Shipping Information” and “Tax” elements to avoid duplicate output.

Permalink Adding an individual element to the additional information (for developers)

If you want to add your own information (e.g. special metadata available in the product) to the sortable additional information (see above), you can do this with a code snippet. You can use the following example as a basis for this:

add_filter( 'german_market_get_possible_product_data', function( $data ) {

	$data[ 'my_data' ] = array(
		'label' 			=> __( 'My Product Data', 'my-textdomain' ),
		'activation'		=> 'on',
		'filter_callback'	=> 'german_market_my_filter_callback'

	return $data;

add_filter( 'german_market_my_filter_callback', function( $my_string, $product, $hook ) {
    $my_data = $product->get_meta( 'my_data_key' );
    $my_string = empty( $my_data ) ? __( 'No Data', 'my-textdomain' ) : $my_data;
    return '<span class="wgm-info my-data">' . $my_string . '</span>';
}, 10, 3 );