Changelog - German Market
Version: 3.45 release date: 2025-01-20
- EU VAT Checkout Add-On: Updated European tax rates for imports
- Functions for labelling charging devices for electronic devices
- Payment method "Purchase on account" & "WooCommerce Subscriptions": Renewal order has status as set in payment method after creation
- Save due date when using the block-based checkout page
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Correct telephone number option for returns address
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Correct redirect for label generation and HPOS
Version: 3.44 release date: 2024-12-16
- DHL Shipping Add-On: DHL Warenpost will become DHL Kleinpaket from 2025-01-01
- GPSR: No empty entries could be set during bulk editing (deletion was not possible)
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.43.1 release date: 2024-12-03
- When changing the language during the (new) installation of required pages, the language was changed to English instead of German (DE, AT, CH)
Version: 3.43 release date: 2024-12-02
- GPSR: Shortcodes can now be used in the input fields in the product editor
- GPSR: Line breaks are displayed in the frontend for manufacturer and responsible person
- Compatibility Polylang: Delivery time in the cart is displayed correctly when changing the language
- Invoice PDF add-on: E-invoice: Attach XML file in emails depended on incorrect wp_option
- Invoice PDF add-on: E-invoice: Bulk download action (ZIP) in the backend failed under certain circumstances
- lexoffice add-on: outbound documents: Payment terms were not sent if the due date was in the past
Version: 3.42 release date: 2024-11-18
- Return / Delivery Note Add-On: Delivery note can be attached to WooCommerce emails via setting
- GPSR: A TinyMCE editor is now used when entering "Warnings and safety information" in the product editor
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
Version: 3.41 release date: 2024-11-12
- Invoice PDF add-on: E-Invoice
- Options for implementing the Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)
- Lexware Office add-on: Filter woocommerce_en_lexoffice_api_get_tax_condition_in_woocommerce extended by parameter $order
- Lexware Office add-on: Correction when replacing the placeholders {{days}} and {{due-date}} in the setting “Payment condition text for Lexware Office invoice” in payment methods
Version: 3.40.1 release date: 2024-10-21
- If "Due date" is activated and the Lexware Office add-on is deactivated, the backend settings for payment methods was not accessible
- Invoice PDF add-on: Dependencies when loading external libraries corrected
Version: 3.40 release date: 2024-10-14
- "lexoffice" is now called "Lexware Office"
- Lexware Office Add-On: WooCommerce orders and refunds can now be sent to Lexware Office either as inbound documents or now as outbound documents (invoices and invoice corrections)
- Invoice PDF add-on: "Backend download of invoice PDFs" can be deactivated / activated in the "General PDF settings"
- Invoice PDF add-on: New submenu "Cancellation stamp"
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Calculation of the value of products on export documents
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Selection block "Additional shipping options" for block-based checkout
- Correction of the setting "Tax Class for Shipping and Fees if 'Prorated Tax Calculation For Fees & Shipping Cost' is turned off" when using the checkout block
Version: 3.39.1 release date: 2024-09-10
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Output Packstation/parcelshops without Google Maps-API
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Improvement of the DHL error message if the recipient's name is too long
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.39 release date: 2024-08-13
- New options for "Tax information for products with a special tax class" in the "Product Data" submenu
- lexoffice Add-On: When using the collective contact, a contact name is now transmitted with the voucher
- lexoffice add-on: If the WooCommerce order contains a transaction ID, this is transmitted to the "transaction-assignment-hint" endpoint
- Add-on "EU VAT Number Check": Display of the VAT field for "local pickup" in the checkout block
- Checkout Block: If only one shipping method is available, prevent multiple display of shipping tax information
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Adjustments for Internet mark and export document regarding HPOS
- Load German language file for languages "Austria" / "Switzerland" if performant translations are used
- The setting "Email attachments for Shop Admin Emails" did not work if the message is sent as "plain text"
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.38.1 release date: 2024-06-14
- Invoice Number Add-On: If "Automatic Generation" is activated, it must not take effect if the order status is "checkout-draft"
Version: 3.38 release date: 2024-06-12
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Release shipping conditions for all international services
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Compatibility with plugins that also use DOMPDF
- Missing line break before tax output of an article in emails
Version: 3.37 release date: 2024-05-29
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Privacy" and its English translation have been updated
- New setting "Show 'From' price instead of price range" in the menu "German Market -> General -> Products -> Price presentation for Variable Products"
- SEPA payment method: New setting "Enable for Billing Countries"
- Purchase On Acccount: If the plugin "WooCommerce Subscriptions" is activated, there is a new setting to activate the payment method for recurring payments
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Improved weight entry within the order
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Save tracking number as meta key
- Invoice PDF Add-On: New setting to display the background image only on the first page
- Invoice PDF Add-On: New settings to not display background image, header and footer in legal text PDFs
- Invoice PDF Add-On: New settings for user-defined payment information per payment gateway in the invoice PDF
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update DOMPDF Version 3.0.0
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update php-qrcode 5.0.2
- Theme Compatibility Hello-Elementor
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Packstation/parcelshop selection for block-based checkout page
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Preferred delivery day - removal of the fee when choosing a different shipping method
- DHL Shipping Add-On: API connection status check
Version: 3.36 release date: 2024-05-06
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Privacy" and its English translation have been updated (Meta pixel instead of Facebook pixel)
- New German Market submenu "Product Data" to influence the automatic display of data according to price
- New blocks German Market Product Elements
- Providing PHP files for a performant translation (WordPress 6.5)
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Rounding of the total weight to 3 decimal points
- Fatal error caused by third-party plugins when initializing payment methods
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Packstation/parcelshop guest customers, only fill in delivery address after selecting the Packstation/parcelshop
Version: 3.35.1 release date: 2024-03-04
- Compatibility plugin "PayPal Payments" regarding checkout block, double opt-in and express payment method without "Smart Button": Prevent premature logout and redirection to "My Account"
- Double-Opt In: Use of the hook "woocommerce_order_received_verify_known_shoppers" when user is logged out after making an order
- lexoffice Add-On: Adaptation of data transmission in API calls for authorization
- lexoffice Add-On: Code improvements
- Checkout block: Tax output of shipping costs in the "Shipping options" if only one shipping method is available
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Optimization of the API connection for "Internetmarke"
Version: 3.34 release date: 2024-02-20
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Intercept invalid login attempts in API
- Correct calculation of taxes for fees & shipping cost when using the checkout block and use of the small trading exemption with activated "prorated tax calculation for fees & shipping cost"
- Correct calculation of taxes for fees & shipping cost when using the checkout block and deactivated proportional tax calculation for fees & shipping cost
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Limitation of the ItemDescription to max. 50 characters for international shipments
Version: 3.33 release date: 2024-02-13
- DHL Shipping Add-On: Shipping classes integrated into DHL shipping methods
- Performance in autoloaders
- SEPA: Update PHP library php-iban 4.2.1
- Add-on "EU VAT Number Check": Output of tax information and VAT number in orders
- Theme Compatibility Astra 4.6.4
- Small bug fixes
- Improvement of translations
Version: 3.32 release date: 2024-01-16
- Add-on "EU VAT Number Check": Hooks for output and validation changed, see documentation
- New setting "Be able to send order confirmation email manually in the backend" adds the option "Send order confirmation mail" to the selection field "Order actions" in the backend of an order when activated
- sevDesk Add-On: API customizations
- New "DHL Shipping" add-on, see documentation
- Missing letter for delivery time output in orders if item price is 0
- Polylang: Translation of delivery times in orders and translation of legal file attachments in the invoice PDF add-on
- Add-on "EU VAT Number Check": When validating using regular expressions, a Finnish VAT number: "FI" is followed by 8 digits, not 9
- VAT output corrected for fees if several fees exist
Version: 3.31 release date: 2023-10-25
- Checkout Block: In the component, useEffect was adjusted so that extensionCartUpdate is called less frequently
- Manual Order Confirmation: Default value of the setting "Customer can choose the payment method only after the manual confirmation" must also be "on" in the backend
- "EU VAT Number Check": If the field is mandatory and the destination country is not an EU country, only check if the field is not empty.
- Token bucket file storage error on Windows servers
- Token bucket error if BCMATH is not installed with PHP
Version: 3.30 release date: 2023-10-17
- Add-on "EU VAT Number Check" is compatible with the checkout block
- lexoffice Add-On: Use of a token bucket for API calls according to "Rate Limits" of lexoffice
- Checkout checkbox for shipping service provider must not appear for "pickup_location" in the checkout block
- Compatibility plugin "DHL Shipping Germany for WooCommerce": label download possibly returns html file
Version: 3.29 release date: 2023-10-09
- Payment method "Purchase on account" is compatible with the checkout block
- Payment method "SEPA" is compatible with the checkout block
- Checkout checkboxes are embeddable in the checkout block by the inner block "German Market Checkboxes"
- Manual order confirmation is compatible with the checkout block
- The setting "Avoid Free Items In Cart" is compatible with the checkout block
- Tax output and legal notices in cart and checkout block
- Settings regarding the checkout block in the German Market submenu "Ordering"
- Notes regarding the current incompatibility between "EU VAT Number Check" add-n and checkout block
- PHP 8.2 support
- Return / Delivery Note Add-On: Update FPDF 1.86
- Uncaught Error: Class "Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Utils\CartCheckoutUtils" when using a not current WooCommerce version
- Compatibility: Fatal error fixed for Gravity Forms plugin and sevDesk Add-On
Version: 3.28 release date: 2023-09-12
- Invoice Number Add-On: Replacement of placeholders in Invoice PDF Add-On with properties of "Invoice Number" object instead of meta data
- lexoffice Add-On: Semaphore lock for calling the token endpoint
Version: 3.27 release date: 2023-08-21
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Privacy" has been updated
- Legal texts: Update of the English translation of "Privacy"
- Payment type "Purchase on account": "Date of payment" corresponds to "Completed date" (previously null)
- Fatal PHP error in frontend with HPOS enabled by SEPA gateway (fix from 3.25)
- In the hook "woocommerce_add_cart_item_data": Explicit type conversion of the first paramter "$cart_item_data" to array before first use
Version: 3.26 release date: 2023-07-31
- lexoffice Add-On: OAuth2.1
- lexoffice Add-On: "file pool handling": delete related files (PDFs) before updating a voucher, then update with new file
- WPML support (use global delivery time if no delivery time is assigned in the product).
Version: 3.25 release date: 2023-07-17
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Terms and Conditions" has been updated
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Privacy" has been updated
- Legal texts: Update of the English translations of "Privacy" and "Terms and Conditions".
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Saved invoice pdf content is saved compressed in database table
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Migrator compresses previously uncompressed invoice pdf content in the background
- Bulk action "SEPA XML Download" was not available in 3.24
- Use of wc_get_orders instead of get_posts in gateways to determine previous orders of a user and in invoice PDF add-on to determine a test order
- No use of is_a for checking for "order type"
Version: 3.24 release date: 2023-07-04
- Requirements: Minimum WooCommerce version: 6.4.0+
- Note for digital notes better positioned on the checkout page
- Initialization of "WC_Emails" before sending a German Market e-mail
- sevDesk Add-On: API parameters update, deliveryDate addedCompatibility between PayPal Payments, WPML and Invoice PDF Add-On (Title of payment type)
- Compatibility between PayPal Payments, WPML and Invoice PDF Add-On (Title of payment type)
Version: 3.23 release date: 2023-04-24
- lexoffice Add-On: New setting "Transmit order before transmitting refund"
- lexoffice add-on: orders which have refunds can always be transmitted to lexoffice
- "Avoid free items in cart": hook changed from "woocommerce_checkout_process" to "woocommerce_after_checkout_validation", for better compatibility with payment plugins
- Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions in terms of Subscription (not Order) invoice numbers and the "Automatic Generation -> New Order" setting.
- Improvement of translations
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.22.1 release date: 2023-03-31
- Add-On "EU EU VAT Checkout": Handling of postcodes from EU countries that do not belong to the EU tax territory
- Theme Compatibility Lacomete
- Email file attachments had wrong file name with WordPress 6.2 (new PHPMailer version) (the key in the attachments array was output)
Version: 3.22 release date: 2023-03-14
- Performance improvement in WGM_Refunds::count_all_refunds() (for the submenu "WooCommerce -> All Refunds")
- Removed code no longer used from WGM_Template::disclaimer_line()
- The "alternative shipping note" in the product was previously not allowed to contain a percentage sign
- Double Opt-In: Logout on account creation on checkout page already in hook 'wp' when reaching "order-received" endpoint.
- Output of the tax rate (%) in order based on the tax data stored in the order.
- Tax output for fees in orders is now consistent
- Correct output on the "Check order" page of the "State / County" field
- Improvement of translations
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.21 release date: 2023-01-17
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: JavaScript adapted so that the class "error" at the input field is removed after an invalid validation if the next validation was successful.
- WPML support (translatability of settings regarding the refund PDF, use of the translations of the invoice number add-on when sending emails manually in the backend)
Version: 3.20 release date: 2022-12-05
- Static file attachments for emails (WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Emails -> File attachments) can now be attached to selected emails only instead of all WooCommerce emails
- Manual order confirmation: New setting "Customer can choose the payment method only after the manual confirmation".
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Download Refund PDF on "My Account" Page
- Invoice PDF Add-On: CSS added to template "invoice-default-templates.php" to prevent errors from DOMPDF triggered by invalid HTML/CSS elements from third party plugins
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.19.1 release date: 2022-11-22
- Compatibility plugin "PayPal Payments 2.0"
Version: 3.19 release date: 2022-11-08
- Compatibility plugin "Subaccounts & Multi-User Accounts" (waiver of validation of privacy checkbox when executing smuac_create_multiaccount function).
- SEPA email
- Improvement of backend translations
Version: 3.18 release date: 2022-11-02
- SEPA XML download: For orders that have already been exported once, the icon in the order overview is displayed with a green background.
- WPML Support: Avoid PHP notice if "measuring units" is not present as taxonomy
- Return / Delivery Note Add-On: filename at backend download is utf8-decoded
- If the setting "Show Product Attributes not used for Variations" is active, attributes may be sorted differently and thus the same product is not recognized as an identical product when added to the cart again. Sorting the attribute names fixes the problem.
- Fatal PHP error when creating the invoice PDF, due to the plugin "PayPal Payments". Compatibility established by German Market.
Version: 3.17 release date: 2022-10-11
- Rounding accuracy of tax amounts of different tax classes in shipping costs in case of "Prorated Tax Calculation For Fees & Shipping Cost"
- WPML support: registration of tax names of all tax rates for translation is now only executed on restricted admin screens
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: During the validation of the VAT number the "Pay Order" button is disabled
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: If the setting "VAT number is editable in "My Account" page and user profile in backend" is enabled, the VAT number can be loaded from the customer profile in the backend of an order
- Email "New Account" is sent with double opt-in only after activation (WooCommerce version > 6.9)
- WPML Support: The plugin "WooCommerce Multilingual & Multi-Currency" is a prerequisite for using the German Market Code to establish compatibility
Version: 3.16 release date: 2022-09-20
- WPML-Support
- Double Opt-In: For WooCommerce versions >= 6.0 and enabled WooCommerce setting "When creating an account, send the new user a link to set their password", the "Double Opt-In" activation email will not display the password, but the "New Account" email after activation will display the password generation link
- If the installing admin uses a language other than the "site language", install legal texts as well as terms of taxonomies in the "site language" anyway
- Terms of taxonomies are deleted on uninstall
- Invoice PDF Add-On: If the setting "Activate Download Button for Refund Pdf" is set, this must not generate an invoice number for the order if there are neither refunds nor the placeholder for the order's invoice number is used in the button text
- lexoffice Add-On: Before sending, all spaces are removed from the VAT number to avoid errors
- Small bug fixes
- Improvement of translations
Version: 3.15 release date: 2022-05-24
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Legal Information" has been updated
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Privacy" has been updated
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Revocation Policy" has been updated (usable from 2022-05-28)
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Revocation Policy for Digital Content" has been updated (usable from 2022-05-28)
- Updating of the English translations of the templates of the legal texts
- News in the German Market User Interface
- New settings regarding "Legal information for product reviews" in the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Products".
- New setting in SEPA payment method: "Save SEPA data of a user for reuse".
- Theme Compatibility RT-Theme-20
- Theme Compatibility Waveride
- When repeating the checkbox "For digital content" in emails / invoice PDF , the sentence "Cancellation of the right of withdrawal is confirmed" is preceded
- Double Opt-In: After registering a customer, German Market now prevents the customer from being logged in immediately by using the filter 'woocommerce_registration_auth_new_customer' in WooCommerce. If you have made your own customizations via PHP code and don't want this behavior, use: add_filter( 'woocommerce_registration_auth_new_customer', '__return_true', 999 );
- Invoice PDF: Swiss QR Invoice: Missing space between first and last name fixed
- lexoffice Add-On: Correct category for German taxation and destination country outside the EU
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.14.1 release date: 2022-04-19
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update DOMPDF Version 1.2.1
- Invoice PDF Add-On: "GiroCode" and "Swiss QR Invoice" are only available from PHP 7.4, corresponding message is displayed in the submenus if the requirement is not met
- Invoice PDF Add-On: DOMPDF 1.2 issue regarding fixed positioned elements with "bottom:" attribute
- Invoice PDF Add-On: DOMPDF 1.2 Issue regarding graphics with height 100% and weight: auto;
- Invoice PDF Add-On: If custom small print is to be output, but no text has been assigned, no output takes place now (neither page break nor empty DIV)
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.14 release date: 2022-04-12
- All data for the rice per unit can now be entered generally with four decimal places.
- sevDesk Add-On: Identify WordPress users / guests as sevDesk users by email address to avoid multiple contact creation in sevDesk for the same person.
- sevDesk Add-On: Transfer of VAT number for contacts
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update DOMPDF Version 1.2.0
- Invoice PDF Add-On: New functions for outputting digitally scannable codes for payments
- Theme Compatibility Bacola
Version: 3.13.2 release date: 2022-03-08
- New setting "German Market -> General -> Ordering -> Checkout Template / Theme Options -> Handle Layout Shifts" to position h3 headings inside the div container "order_review" on the checkout page.
- sevDesk Add-On: Prevent errors when transferring currencies other than EUR
- Invoice PDF Add-On: "Text after invoice content" is now a separate setting for invoice PDF and refund PDF respectively
- Theme Compatibility Chaai
- Theme Compatibility Ambient
- Invoice PDF: Missing output of table borders in case of incompatibilities with other plugins
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.13.1 release date: 2022-01-31
- Optional setting "Do not send order confirmation email until the thank you page is reached"
- The setting "Show Short Description - Variations" is now also effective in the invoice PDF as well as in the return and delivery pdf, if the output of the short description is activated there
- Plugin Compatibility DHL for WooCommerce 2.7.6
- Plugin Compatibility Elementor Pro: Checkout Widget
- Theme Compatibility Zamona
- FIC Add-On: When loading the frontend JavaScript of this add-on, the German Market setting "Load frontend JavaScript in footer" is now taken into account
- Type conversion from string to float when tax rate received by values of WC_Order_Item_Shipping::get_taxes[ 'totals' ], when prorated tax calculation is used
Version: 3.13 release date: 2022-01-10
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Privacy" has been updated
- Legal texts: The template for the legal text "Terms and Conditions" has been updated
- Legal texts: Update of the English translations of "Privacy" and "Terms and Conditions".
- Output of the shipping costs of an order with multiple shipping methods
- Checkbox - "Send Personal Data to Shipping Service Provider": Improvements to the JavaScript to show and hide the checkbox depending on the selected shipping method.
Version: 3.12.6 release date: 2021-12-14
- "Product Depending Checkbox", in the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Checkout Checkboxes".
- If the setting "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Ordering -> Show Short Description" is activated, you can decide for variations of variable products with the new setting "Show Short Description - Variations" whether the product short description, the description of the variation or both should be displayed.
- Invoice PDF Add-On: The setting "Invoice PDF -> Custom CSS Styles -> HTML Output" will be ignored in the frontend, in email attachments and during transfer to lexoffice/sevDesk from now on, if it was forgotten to deactivate the setting after styling the PDF.
- Return / Delivery Note Add-On: Update FPDF 1.84
- WPML Support: Translation of delivery times for order items (emails) was not correct if email is sent in other language than order was placed
- WPML Support: Prevent caching when outputting taxes of order items
- Compatibility plugin Oxygen regarding the legal texts in emails: Correct display of the legal texts if the related WordPress pages were created with the Oxygen Builder.
- Add-On sevDesk: If no contact is created for the document according to the German Market settings, a 'supplierName' is now transmitted to sevDesk anyway
- FIC Add-On: Output of alcohol content for variable products corrected if no alcohol content was stored in the variations
- Small bug fixes
- Improvement of translations
Version: 3.12.5 release date: 2021-11-02
- Added shortcode for sale labels
- Added shortcode for requirements (digital)
- Product meta "digital" is now saved by hooks "woocommerce_ajax_save_product_variations" / "woocommerce_process_product_meta", not by "save_post" anymore
- Compatibility magnalister
- Theme Compatibility: Zocker
- Theme Compatibility: Brunn
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update DOMPDF Version 1.0.2
- Add-on lexoffice: "Export delivery third countries" is now also supported in the API for private contacts
- Invoice Number Add-On: In the backend of an order, an already created invoice number can be deleted by clicking on "Delete invoice number".
- Add-On lexoffice: Determination of the tax rate for Order Items was possibly not correct, if the tax rate was not an integer number
- Improvement of translations
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.12.4 release date: 2021-09-21
- GTIN is output in the structured data (WooCommerce hook: woocommerce_structured_data_product).
- sevDesk Add-On: Support for currencies other than EUR when transmitting vouchers
- In the menu "WooCommerce -> All Refunds" the correct currency is displayed for the amount
- SEPA - The setting "Checkbox text" did not work in the frontend when changes were made, the default text was always used
- Fixed fatal error when deactivating German Market if the add-on "EU VAT Number Check" was activated.
- Improvement of translations
Version: 3.12.3 release date: 2021-08-17
- In the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Ordering" there is now an option to sort items in the cart and/or orders by item name or sku
- sevDesk Add-On: Support for tax-exempt export deliveries / tax-exempt intra-Community deliveries as VAT rule in sevDesk
- Invoice PDF Add-On: On the My Account page, the refund PDFs can optionally be offered for download as well
- Compatibility plugin "WooCommerce PayPal Payments": Output of the PayPal buttons exactly at the place where the "Pay for Order" button appears with other payment methods.
- Invoice Number Add-On: The setting "Subject line 2 (small)" from the "Refund PDF" menu did not use the correct default value if the setting was never saved before
- The privacy text of WooCommerce should not be displayed on the checkout page when the checkbox "Terms & Conditions, Privacy Declaration and Revocation Policy" of German Market is displayed
- Fixed sale label display for variations of variable products (previously hook "woocommerce_format_sale_price" was used, now "woocommerce_get_price_html")
- Compatibility Polylang with manual order confirmation: translation of payment instructions
- Add-On lexoffice: If the setting "Automatic User Update" was set to the option "Update lexoffice User", lexoffice contacts were not updated until now if they were guest orders in WooCommerce
- Add-On lexoffice: Support distance selling for Northern Ireland
- Add-On lexoffice: Improved determination of tax rates for small amounts
- Add-On billbee: Corrected links in menu "WooCommerce -> Orders"
- Return note/delivery note Add-On: Display apostrophe correctly in addresses
- Manual order confirmation: Customer email after manual order confirmation was previously sent only if the "Order on-hold email was enabled
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.12.2 release date: 2021-07-07
- Prerequisites: Minimum WordPress version 5.4+
- Prerequisites: Minimum WooCommerce version 5.1.0+
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Invoice PDFs can be sent in emails as link instead of email attachment
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: Optionally, the VAT number can be edited on the "My Account" page by the user himself and in the backend in the user profile by the admin. The number stored in the profile is used on the checkout page to pre-fill the VAT number field
- sevDesk Add-On: When prorated tax calculation for fees and shipping cost was activated, incorrect shipping costs / rounding differences may have occurred in the sevDesk document for tax-free orders.
- Add-On IT-Recht Kanzlei: Adaptation to the updated interface
- Improvement of translations
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.12.1 release date: 2021-06-23
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: The setting "Display VAT number field" now has the additional option "Deactivated".
- EU VAT Checkout Add-On: New submenu "Import EU Tax Rates by CN Number", by querying a CN number the corresponding tax rates of the EU member states can be determined via API and imported after selection into a tax class
- lexoffice Add-On: Distance selling support
- Output of VAT information in totals at different tax rates always considered only different tax names by WooCommerce, now the breakdown by tax name and percentage takes place. This allows identical tax names to be assigned for different tax classes.
Version: 3.12 release date: 2021-06-08
- Compatibility plugin Elementor with FIC add-on (tab "Ingredients" was not displayed correctly in some cases)
- Theme Compatibility: Zigcy Lite
- Theme Compatibility: Movedo
- Theme Compatibility: Riode
- Theme Compatibility: Lucia Vineyards
- Compatibility plugin Polylang / Polylang for WooCommerce: New menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> Polylang Support", download of PDFs in the backend is now based on either the language of the order or a self-defined language
- Abandonment of jQuery.noConflict() in frontend and backend JavaScripts
- Plugin activation/deactivation and uninstall routines for MultiSite installations improved
- Privacy checkbox for product reviews is now displayed below any "Name" and "Email" input fields that may appear, instead of above them
- Improved: In case of bulk actions for downloading invoice, delivery note and return note PDFs, the class "PclZip" from WordPress is loaded and used if the PHP class "ZipArchive" is not available
- The WooCommerce template "cart/cart.php" is no longer overwritten by German Market
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: Optional logging of the answer of the VIES query, is saved as order note, any errors logged in the WooCommerce log
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: Optional passing of the VAT number of the requester to VIES, to get a consultation number in the response
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: VAT number can be edited in the backend of an order by the shop admin
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: The validation of the VAT number is no longer strictly performed on the country of the billing address, but if necessary on the shipping address, depending on the WooCommerce setting "Calculate tax based on".
- EU VAT Number Check Add-On: The default display of the VAT number field can be changed via setting. By default, the field is displayed if the customer's billing or shipping country is an EU country that is not the shop base country
- EU VAT Checkout Add-On: If enabled, the add-on gets its own submenu at "WooCommerce -> German Market -> EU VAT Checkout".
- EU VAT Checkout Add-On: The setting "Fix prices" now has the additional option "Enable for all products".
- EU VAT Checkout Add-On: In the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> EU VAT Checkout -> Import EU Tax Rates", tax rates of the EU member states can be imported into the WooCommerce tax classes at the click of a button
- EU VAT Checkout Add-On: submenu "Generalized tax output" to display tax details in general without tax rate and amount
- The email template for the "Order Confirmation Mail" can now be copied to the child theme in the menu "German Market -> General -> Emails" with the click of a button
- New setting "Do not save Customer IP in Order" in the menu "German Market -> General -> Global Options
- Add-On "Temporary Tax Reduction": tax output settings have been removed, the new functions of the Add-On EU VAT Checkout can be used
- WC_Tax::find_rates is used to output the percentage value for tax rates, but so far without passing the zip code as parameter
- Compatibility plugin WP-Staging Pro: transfer of settings of add-ons Invoice PDF and Invoice Number to staging site
- Small bug fixes
- Improvement of translations
Version: 3.11.1 release date: 2021-03-15
- Theme Compatibility: Hello-Elementor
- Theme Compatibility: Lotusgreen
- Theme Compatibility: Dokan
- WooCommerce 5.1 now uses "wp_safe_redirect" instead of "wp_redirect" in WC_Checkout::process_order_payment. WooCommerce's default PayPal interface does not have a filter for "allowed_redirect_hosts" to allow PayPal URLs to redirect after order completion. When using German Market's "Confirm & Place Order Page" page, no AJAX request takes place, "wp_safe_redirect" is executed with a URL that is not allowed, therefore the function does not redirect correctly. The problem is solved in German Market by adding the redirect URL passed by the payment type to the allowed URLs at runtime.
- Typos in the English template for the legal text "Privacy" have been corrected
- Invoice PDF: DOMPDF: Added missing font files
Version: 3.11 release date: 2021-03-08
- Payment type "Purchase on account": If the setting 'Deactivate "Ship to different address"' is activated in the payment type, a message will be displayed on the checkout page if the customer had first activated "Ship to a different address?" and then changed to "Purchase on account".
- Compatibility plugin WP-Staging: Transferring the settings of the Invoice PDF and Invoice Number add-ons to the staging site.
- Compatibility Theme XStoreVersion (regarding compatibility with page builders)
- Theme Compatibility: Furlen
- Theme Compatibility: Goya
- Theme Compatibility: Blocksy
- Theme Compatibility: Kitring
- Theme Compatibility: Bikeway
- Compatibility Plugin Oxygen regarding the Invoice PDF Add-On: Correct display of the "Legal Texts PDFs" if the related WordPress pages were created with the Oxygen Builder.
- Invoice Number Add-On: Use Sempahore to Avoid Concurrent Code Execution
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Compatibility with Plugin PDF Product Vouchers 3.9.0
- Invoice PDF Add-On: DOMPDF settings adjusted regarding remote options for loading external sources (CSS, images)
- Add-on sevDesk: VAT rate allocation improved for items with discount
- When using the "Duplicate" function of a product, the "digital" property was duplicated
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.10.6 release date: 2021-01-11
- Shortcodes for German Market product data
- BCC/CC can also be enabled for the "Double Opt-in Customer Registration" email
- Tax note for charges of payment method cash on delivery adjusted, setting for tax calculation added in payment method
- SEPA - availability on the checkout page optional only for registered customers, customers with 1, 2 or 3 completed orders.
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update DOMPDF Version 1.0.1
- sevDesk Add-On: Error output adapted in case of wrong / missing authentication
- Theme Compatibility: Handlavet
- Theme Compatibility: Zonex
- Theme Compatibility: Sport
- Theme Compatibility: Rigid
- Theme Compatibility: Learts
- Price per unit output in invoice PDF
- Improvement of translations
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.10.5 release date: 2020-11-24
- Compatibility with plugins that change the currency of orders: Display of VAT in shipping in correct currency with special settings
- Theme Compatibility: Emarket
- Theme Compatibility: Drile
- Theme Compatibility: Blaze
- Theme Compatibility: Neve (with Neve Pro Addon)
- Compatibility Subscriptions: BBC / CC settings also for e-mails from this plugin
- SEPA: Settings in the payment method for issuing a prenotification
- Manual order confirmation: Adaptation to WooCommerce 4.7.0 (this version now uses $order->needs_payment() instead of WC()->cart->needs_payment() )
- Return note/delivery note Add-On: The bullet symbol "•" in the footer of PDFs was not displayed correctly until now
- Protected Shops Add-On: JavaScript / Ajax bug fixed
- Improvement of translations
- Small bug fixes
Version: 3.10.4 release date: 2020-08-18
- The template for the legal text "Privacy policy" has been updated
- German Market UI adaptation for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.0
- Adjustments for WooCommerce 4.4.0 regarding "deprecated functions
- WooCommerce cart.php template updated
- Theme Compatibility: Urus
- Theme Compatibility: Panaderia
- Admin-
JavaScript: deprecated jQuery-function ".size()" replaced through .length
- Compatibility Plugin B2B Market (regarding the payment method SEPA from German Market, visibility of the checkbox on the checkout page for special customer groups)
- Invoice Number Add-On / Invoice PDF Add-On: The JavaScript has been adapted for special browsers, which ensures that the field for the invoice number is filled in after downloading the invoice PDF
- SEPA: Improvement of the display of the SEPA checkbox on the checkout side if a customer had chosen SEPA and then switches to another payment method
- Invoice number Add-On: On reset, current_time is now used to query the current time
- Compatibility Plugin "WP HTML Mail - WooCommerce" and Add-On "Temporary tax reduction": Output of the tax rate in order confirmation email
- lexoffice add-on: Note that the array_key_first function is only available in PHP 7.3 and later
- Update language files
Version: release date: 2020-06-30
- Add-On "Temporary Tax Reduction": If the prorated tax calculation for fees & shipping cost is deactivated (in the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Global Options), the shipping costs would result in incorrect tax amounts. The setting should be activated in Germany, the fix is only necessary for the shop if the mentioned setting is deactivated.
- Plugin Compatibility: WooCommerce Memberships
Version: release date: 2020-06-29
- Add-On "Temporary Tax Reduction": Settings for tax output
- Add-On "Temporary Tax Reduction": Increase the priority of the hooks from 10 to 30, for compatibility with third-party plug-ins
Version: 3.10.3 release date: 2020-06-17
- New Add-On "Temporary Tax Reduction"
- The option "Auto-Delete: Extra Text" of the double opt in settings can be multiline
- Update "cart.php" template
Version: release date: 2020-06-03
- lexoffice Add-On: Wrong validation output for transmission errors
- Theme Compatibility: DIVI
Version: 3.10.2 release date: 2020-06-02
- Double-Opt-In Management: Manual account activation as bulk action in the "User" menu
- BBC/CC can also be activated for the emails "New Account" and "Customer Note"
- In the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Delivery Times" you can now set separately whether the delivery times are displayed in the delivery note/returns note/invoice PDF, if the setting "Show Delivery Times on Order Summary" is active and the corresponding add-ons are used
- Return note/delivery note add-on: In the delivery note, placeholders can be used for the customer's telephone number and email address as well as for the total weight of the order
- With the setting "Text: Disclaimer For Estimated Taxes & Shipping Costs", line breaks are taken into account in the frontend
- Plugin Compatibility: WooCommerce Product Bundles
- Plugin Compatibility: Ultimate Addons for Elementor
- Plugin Compatibility: WPC Smart Quick View for WooCommerce
- Whether the frontend JavaScript of German Market is included in the footer or header can now be defined in the menu "WooCommerce -> German Market -> General -> Global Options
- Plugin Compatibility: WPC Smart Quick View for WooCommerce
- Theme Compatibility: MyBag
- Theme Compatibility: Teepro
- Theme Compatibility: Crexis
- Theme Compatibility: Tonda
- Theme Compatibility: Kartpul
- Theme Compatibility: Beaver Builder Theme
- Theme Compatibility: Pearl
- lexoffice Add-On: Wrong validation output for transmission errors
Version: 3.10.1 release date: 2020-05-04
- Measuring units for "price per unit" can be installed again afterwards.
- Measuring units for "price per unit": cm², m² and pieces are included as standard units.
- EU VAT Number Validation add-on: As an admin setting you can choose if the United Kingdom should be treated as EU country (WooCommerce does not do this anymore).
- Manual order confirmation: Do not display and execute a transfer option to sevDesk / lexoffice if the order has not yet been confirmed manually
- The button for "Manual order confirmation" in the menu "WooCommerce -> Orders" now looks different than the button for "Complete order"
- Theme Compatibility: Techmarket
- Theme Compatibility: Rehub
- Theme Compatibility: Beaver
- Theme Compatibility: Paw Friends
- Theme Compatibility: Biagiotti
- Theme Compatibility: Faith
- Theme Compatibility: Astra (option "Two Step Checkout")
- Theme Compatibility: Eveland
- Theme Compatibility: Bolge
- Theme Compatibility: SweethTooth
- Theme Compatibility: Massive Dynamic
- Theme Compatibility: Savory
- Plugin Compatibility: Amelia
- Frontend JavaScript is now included in the footer
- WPML Support: Payment method in invoice PDF not translated if "language of download" is different from order language
- Add-On sevDesk: For manually created orders without a delivery address, "Germany" was created as delivery address in the contact, now: no address is created in sevDesk
- Add-On sevDesk: If "_shipping_address_2"/"_billing_address_2" was used in the order, it was not transferred correctly to sevDesk
- Add-On lexoffice: For small amounts there were difficulties in assigning the correct tax rate
- Improvement of translations
- Manual order confirmation: Text on the thank you page fixed, otherwise confusing text will be displayed with some payment methods (e.g. PayPal)
- Small other bug fixes
Version: 3.10 release date: 2020-03-09
- Prerequisites: Minimum PHP version 7.2
- Prerequisites: Minimum WordPress version 5.0
- Prerequisites: Minimum WooCommerce version: 3.9.2+
- Required German Market pages can be installed again
- Legal text templates can be displayed and copied in the "Templates for legal texts" menu
- Price per unit is displayed for variable products if all variations of the variable product have the same price per unit
- WPML Support from German Market Settings
- sevDesk Add-On: Bulk action "Send to sevDesk" for orders and refunds
- sevDesk Add-On: The document description is freely selectable as a text setting
- lxoffice Add-On: Bulk action "Send to sevDesk" for orders and refunds
- Double-Opt-In: Management and automatic deletion of inactive accounts
- Invoice PDF Add-On: In the backend you can optionally set that a column "Position" is output in the invoice PDF
- SEPA XML file: Optional setting whether refunded amounts should be included in the exported orders
- Return / delivery note PDF Add-On: Optional setting whether the item quantity should include refunded quantities
- A standard template for "Requirements (digital)" can be set as an option, if this is done, it is pre-entered for new products
- Invoice PDF Add-On: In refund PDFs the quantity is now displayed as in WooCommerce emails
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Invoice PDF and "Additonal PDFs" can be attached to the "Customer's Note" e-mail
- FIC Add-On: ingredients
- Compatibility WPML: Output of product images on "Confirm & Place Order" page
- Theme Compatibility: SweetTooth
- Theme Compatibility: Hermes
- Theme Compatibility: Shoptimizer
- Theme Compatibility: WPLMS
- Theme Compatibility: Chromium
- Theme Compatibility: DIVI
- Theme Compatibility: Hyperon
- Theme Compatibility: Werkstatt
- Theme Compatibility: Naturalife
- Theme Compatibility: Klippe
- Theme Compatibility: Makali
- Theme Compatibility: Kameleon
- Theme Compatibility: Bazien
- Theme Compatibility: Eat Eco
- Theme Compatibility: Kalium
- Theme Compatibility: Supro
- Theme Compatibility: Coi
- Theme Compatibility: Peggi
- Theme Compatibility: Vermeil
- Theme Compatibility: ToyShop
- Theme Compatibility: Woovina
- Theme Compatibility: Ken
- Theme Compatibility: Sovereign
- Compatibility: Subscriptions: Due date is reset in renewals
- Compatibility: Plugin Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer
- Compatibility: Plugin WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers
- Compatibility: Elementor and FIC Add-On
- Compatibility: WooCommerce WooCommerce Global Cart
- SEPA: Update PHP library php-iban 2.7.3
- Return / Delivery Note Add-On: Update FPDF 1.82
- Invoice PDF Add-On: Update DOMPDF Version 0.8.5
- lexoffice Add-On: compatibility with "Product Bundles for WooCommerce" (consideration of articles with negative line_total)
- Output of the VAT ID and tax information in e-mails / invoice PDF
- FIC Add-On: "Food data" are initially hidden in the product in the backend, can be displayed with a click
- Order confirmation email: Output order note of the customer
- Compatibility PHP 7.4.3
- SEPA XML file: Correct classification of the direct debit as OOFF instead of RCUR
- In the subject of the order confirmation, {order-date} is now displayed as in WooCommerce e-mails
- Output of the due date was faulty with WooCommerce 3.7 (esc_html is executed, so HTML was visible as text)
- Do not save additional payment type settings (due date, individual sevDesk payment accounts per payment type)
- Product VAT in the mini shopping cart must refer to the WooCommerce setting Display prices in the shop
- Better loading times for variable products
- Backend styles for the user interface adapted to WordPress 5.3
- Correction for "unit price" for coupon application
- Line break in plain e-mails corrected
- Typos
- Small Bug Fixes
Version: 3.8.1 release date: 2019-01-17
- New options for the display of the price of variable products when the customer is in the process of selecting a specific variant
- SEPA direct debit payments: Switchable masking of IBANs when the Admin views emails
- sevDesk add-on (both features optional): Automatically dispatch orders as soon as they have been marked as completed; automatically send refunds as soon as they have been generated
- sevDesk add-on: Send customer data collected in connection with guest orders from WooCommerce to sevDesk
- Text for the “Notice on shipping to non-EU countries” now configurable in the backend
- WooCommerce template emails/email-order-items.php no longer overwritten by German Market
- Optimized template for the order review page (second-checkout2.php): Payment types now grouped into a single DIV
- Basic price: New filter for price configuration (wgm_ppu_wc_price_args), e.g. the display of 3 decimal places
- Compatibility: Avada theme
- Compatibility: DFD Native theme
- Compatibility: Astra theme
- Compatibility: Ciloe theme
- Compatibility: Ordo theme
- Compatibility: Hypermarket theme
- Compatibility: Planetshine Polaris theme
- Compatibility: Flatsome theme
- Compatibility: iuStore theme
- Compatibility: Electro theme
- Compatibility: Justshop theme
- Compatibility: WooCommerce PDF Vouchers plugin and the PDF Invoice add-on
- Compatibility with currency plugins and the display of the unit price (in XY Euro respectively)
- Compatibility with WPML: Language of PDF downloads now dictated by either the language selector in the backend or the language of order placement (compatibility ensured by a new global option)
- PDF Invoice add-on: New filter wp_wc_invoice_pdf_clear_cache_time increases cache time in order to ensure all PDFs are attached to emails even when the “Additional PDFs” option is active
- PDF Invoice add-on: Saving of setting “Global Sequential Number” fixed
- PDF Invoice add-on: Error in the verification of whether or not the PDF is a test PDF fixed
- PDF Invoice add-on: Saving of PDF content as metadata fixed
- PDF Invoice add-on: Placeholder {{order-total}} can now be used properly in welcome text in PDF cancellation invoices
- PDF Invoice add-on: Total amount no longer takes refunds into account
- Invoice Number add-on: Wrong cancellation number in PDF invoices fixed
- Invoice Number add-on: Localized AJAX variable given a more specific name in order to rule out incompatibilities
- Returns Form / Delivery Note add-on: Spacing between addresses and content when manual orders lack an invoicing address corrected
- Returns Form / Delivery Note add-on: HTML tags no longer displayed in short descriptions
- lexoffice add-on: Error in transfer of due date fixed
- Options “Deactivate shipping notice” and “Alternative shipping notice” now also available for external/affiliate products
- Double-opt-in for customer registration: Redirection improved with regard to other plugins that influence the redirection process
- Double-opt-in for customer registration: Passwords displayed correctly in emails (where applicable)
- Backend: In some cases classes assigned to styles for on/off buttons were too general and therefore overwritten by other plugins
- Backend: JavaScript no longer loads everywhere, thus fixing incompatibilities with other plugins
- SEPA direct debit payments: Always use the order number (get_order_number()) rather than the ID (get_id()) in order to ensure compatibility with third-party plugins
- SEPA direct debit payments: Payment type now also available when shipping is not required
- Standard delivery times: Enhanced handling
Version: 3.8 release date: 2018-11-14
- Age verification for products
- Automatic calculation of basic prices using weights entered in WooCommerce
- Use of placeholders for customer’s first and last names in text included in email confirming order receipt
- New option “Text: Notice on estimated taxes and shipping costs” enables backend editing of cart page text
- PDF Invoice add-on: New option “Prevent display of payment instructions”
- Compliance with German Small Business Regulation (Kleinunternehmerregelung): Separate tax notice for external/affiliate products now editable in backend
- sevDesk add-on: Selection of booking accounts as new settings
- Enhanced CSS style for the display of the notice on digital products on the checkout page
- Compatibility: Divi Page Builder
- Compatibility: Variegated theme
- Compatibility: Ordo theme
- Compatibility: Supro theme
- Compatibility: Erado theme
- Compatibility: Bazien theme
- Compatibility: Technics theme
- Compatibility: Adorn theme
- Compatibility: Autoptimize plugin
- Compatibility: YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers and YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugins
- Add-on for EU VAT number validation: Compatibility with WireCard
- Enhanced HTML markup for product data, no more DIV tags in P tags
- Optimized HTML markup for checkboxes on the checkout page
- PDF Invoice add-on: Shop contains no orders = PHP FATAL ERRORs occurred during download of test PDFs
- PDF Invoice add-on: Display of German-style quotation marks
- PDF Invoice add-on: Display of non-quadratic product images
- PDF Invoice add-on: Tax notices “Intra-Community supply” and “Export” failed to adopt specified font
- PDF Invoice add-on: Correct currency now also displayed when currency conversion plugins are active
- EU VAT Number Validation add-on: Position of entry field on checkout page corrected
- Invoice number add-on: Invoice number preview in backend corrected
- Use current_time() instead of time() to ensure adoption of current WordPress time throughout plugin
- Message on order review page now a notice not an error
- Manual order confirmation: Enhanced email dispatch
- “Notice for your customers on the last page of the order process” only displayed if the order review page was active
Version: 3.7.1 release date: 2018-10-09
- Returns Form / Delivery Note add-on: Optional display of item number, weight (delivery note only) and delivery date (delivery note only)
- Returns Form / Delivery Note add-on: Returns form now also attachable to “order confirmation” and “order pending” emails
- Returns Form / Delivery Note add-on: Optional display of short product description
- lexoffice add-on (both new options): Automatically dispatch orders as soon as they have been marked as completed; automatically send refunds as soon as they have been generated
- New option: Show unit prices in orders
- New option: Tax class for shipping costs and fees when “Proportional calculation of tax on ancillary services” is switched off
- PDF Invoice add-on: Filter-assisted adjustment of output from “meta args”
- Compatibility: Ecode theme
- Compatibility: Alishop theme
- Compatibility: Astra theme
- Compatibility: OceanWP theme
- Compatibility: Elementor plugin
- Automatic calculation of basic price: Total number of products can be given as a decimal rather than an integer
- Double-opt-in: Customer registration does not work in customized themes if registration and redirection does not occur on a My Account page
- sevDesk add-on: No tax rate for shipping if a) “Proportional calculation of tax on ancillary services” is active, b) VAT is calculated on the basis of the shop’s legal domicile and c) the customer submits their order from another country for which a tax rate has not been set
- Product images shown in duplicate in PDF invoices if display of product images in order summaries is active
- PDF cancellation invoices lack an invoice number if the PDF is first generated when it is sent to sevDesk as a voucher
- Latest versions of PHP lead to errors during the verification of whether or not a PDF invoice is a test PDF or refers to an actual order
- lexoffice add-on: Incorrect date shown in PDF invoices (the due date is shown instead) if the PDF is first generated when it is sent to lexoffice
- Returns Form / Delivery Note add-on: Very long item numbers do not wrap in the corresponding column
- Minor bug fixes
Version: 3.7 release date: 2018-08-27
- Automatic calculation of basic price
- Purchase on account – availability dependent on cart value
- Switchable display of product images in the cart, on the checkout page, in the order summary and in emails
- Optional display of all product attributes (including those that don’t apply to all product variants)
- Optional entry of an alternative product-specific shipping costs notice (which is then displayed instead of the standard notice)
- Confirmation emails: Subject line, email footer and email text can now be customized directly in the backend
- New notice on fees associated with payment types: The way fees work is currently being modified as a result of changes to statutory regulations (deadline for modifications: 31.12.
- The options buttons in the backend now also feature the text “Off | On” so that they can be read by screen readers and used by screen reader users
- Compatibility: Amely theme
- Compatibility: iuStore theme
- Compatibility: WireCard Checkout Seamless plugin (payment type now correctly displayed on the order review page)
- Compatibility with other plugins that also use DOMPDF
- Version numbers of JS and CSS files now correspond with the German Market version and not the WordPress version (as was previously the case)
- Add-on for EU VAT Number Validation: Entry of an invalid EU VAT number prevents checkout from occurring, with a corresponding error message displayed
- Switching between WordPress languages rendered units of measurement for basic prices unselectable in backend
- sevDesk add-on: Deactivation of “Proportional calculation of tax on ancillary services” led to rounding errors during transfer of tax rate
- 1&1 IONOS accounting add-on: Enhanced transfer of taxes and tax rates
- PDF Invoice add-on: Tax rates correctly labelled when display of net prices is active
- Obsolete WooCommerce filter “woocommerce_create_product_variation” replaced
- Tax label displayed incorrectly when gross shipping costs are switched on and “Proportional calculation of tax on ancillary services” is switched off; issue has now been fixed
- Shortcodes were replaced incorrectly in emails and PDF invoices when email dispatch was triggered in the backend
- Checkboxes on the checkout page lack classes “woocommerce-invalid woocommerce-invalid-required-field” (the classes are required if the validation process finds required fields to be empty)
- Minor bug fixes