Social Sharing

Permalink Social Sharing

In this area, you can activate and customize the share buttons for the product page and the “Thank you” page.

Refer a friend social sharing frontend

Permalink General

Here you can define the icon color, the icon background color and the display of the icons.

Refer a friend social sharing general

Icon color
In this area, you can define the icon color.

Icon background
In this area, you can define the icon background.
You can choose from:

  • Branding color (Color of the social network)
  • Grey
  • White

Display on product page
Determine the position of the icons on the product page here.
You can choose from:

  • Below price tag
  • Below short description
  • Below add to cart form
  • Do not show on product page

Display on thank you page
With this option you can define the position of the icons on the thank you page.
You can choose from:

  • Show on thank you page (position may vary depending on theme)
  • Below every product
  • Do not show on thank you page

Permalink Share Buttons

In this section, you define which social networks are displayed.

Refer a friend share buttons

Permalink Email sharing

Here you have the option to customize the subject and content for the referral email.

Refer a friend mail sharing