“My account” page and User profile

Permalink “My account” page before registering for the referral program

By activating the “Refer a Friend” module, a new “Refer a Friend” tab is added for registered users on their “My account” page. In this area, they can register for the referral program and sign up for email notifications.

Refer a friend before registration

Permalink “My account” page after registering for the referral program

As soon as users have registered for the referral program, they will be shown their personal Refer-Code and the Refer URL in the “Refer a Friend” tab.

Refer a friend after registration

When potential customers visit the shop via the Refer URL, the Refer-Code is automatically used for this purchase and filled in the field in the checkout area.

Alternatively, the Refer-Code can also be shared directly.
If potential customers enter the Refer-Code in the WooCommerce checkout area, the purchase is assigned to the referral program and the referrer receives the coupon (provided all requirements are met).

If coupons are given based on referrals, the coupon codes appear in the “Refer a Friend” tab on the “My account” page. There the referrer will find information on the discount type, limit and expiration date of the coupon codes. Valid coupon codes can be copied here and redeemed in the shop.

Permalink User profile

After activation of the “Refer a Friend” module of Salesman, information about participation in the referral program is displayed in the user profile of registered users (Users -> All Users -> User name) in the “Salesman – Refer a friend” section.

Refer a friend user profile

In the user profile, you as admin can see whether a customer is participating in the referral program, view their personal Refer-Code and see whether there have already been referrals via the referral program.