Bulk prices in combination with “Minimum and Maximum Quantities” add-on
Small bug fixes
Version: 2.1.5 release date: 2024-11-05
Compatibility with WooCommerce Custom Product Addons from Acowebs
Output of lowest scale in the bulk price hint text
Quantity add-on in connection with grouped products
Compatibility with Divi
Compatibility with TM Extra Product Options and net price display
Coupon creation for cart discount and quantity discount
Block-based checkout/cart: Correct output of the label for quantity discount
Compatibility fees of WooCommerce subscriptions and “hide prices”
Cart discount hint in subtotal
Compatibility of price updater and bricks
Small bug fixes
Version: 2.1.4 release date: 2024-05-13
Improved Price updater with variable products
Compatibility with Uncode theme
Manual order in the backend: No overwriting of new group prices on status change
Use shortcode [b2b-product-rrp] independently of the "Activate RRP" option (only for simple products)
Correct price display for variable products in combination with Germanized
Display of the RRP with Germanized for variable products
Block-based shopping cart: No output of the line item discount shortcode
Translation of registration email with WPML
Registration via checkout page with deactivated option "Allow customers to place orders without an account."
Display "Free Shipping Progress Bar" from Salesman even if "No customer group" is selected
Correct price display for variable product if all variants have the same regular (or sale) price, but the B2B group price is different
Shopping cart discount - Correct output of % discount on first entry
Compatibility with Germanized in combination with Divi-Builder and PV
Block-based checkout page and manual account confirmation only for defined customer groups
Block-based checkout page/shopping cart: Correct coupon input with B2B Market
Compatibility with whitelist for variable products and "Ajax add to cart for WooCommerce" from QuadLayers
Display total amount if standard variant is set to variable products
Small bugfixes
Version: 2.1.3 release date: 2023-11-01
Compatibility with Astra: Calculation subtotal if net customer group.
Saving the "quantity to" for bulk prices in customer group setting
Compatibility with Theme Ave with bulk price table and variable product
Small bugfixes
Version: 2.1.2 release date: 2023-10-23
Cart & Checkout Blocks with B2B Features
Registration and WPML: Make custom names translatable
Compatibility with Astra
Compatibility with Polylang
Compatibility with "Uncode WPBakery Page Builder" and default quantity
Translation of link in double opt-in email with WPML
UVP with added UID in checkout
Check minimum order total and -quantity with payment plugins like PayPal on checkout page
Price output for variants with same regular price
Additional sales with whitelist
Compatibility sale badge with theme "Elessi"
Compatibility with "Checkout for WooCommerce" and its "Order Bumps" feature
Compatibility with "Advanced Product Fields"
Small bugfixes
Version: 2.1.1 release date: 2023-08-15
Registration: File upload enhanced with jpeg
Translations of registration add-on emails with WPML
Compatibility with Woodmart theme
Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
Discounts for backend orders
Saving "quantity to" for bulk prices for variants
Output bulk price table for "All customers
Small bugfixes
Version: 2.1 release date: 2023-07-11
Added database cleanup function
Enhanced functionality VAT-validator with Swiss UIDs on registration
Error messages when entering wrong UID during registration
Transfer EU-VAT (German Market B2B Market) when entering VAT during registration on checkout page
Compatibility with Divi-Builder and bulk price table
Compatibility with Germanized with "Hide prices" option for variable products
Compatibility with WPC Product Bundles
Customization of content text of email "Pending approval notification to the customer"
No duplicate text output for "Hide prices" in WooCommerce default price display on variable products
Variable product and empty rrp
Output of the rrp with Germanized
Refund-PDF from German Market with negative values
Third party emails in interaction with registration add-on
Compatibility Black-/Whitelist with Elementor + WoodMart theme
Compatibility Black-/Whitelist with "Essential Addons for Elementor" plugin
Compatibility Sale-Badge with Avada-Theme + Fusion-Builder
Compatibility with registration add-on and funnel builder
Compatibility with theme savoy and bulk price table
Small bugfixes
Version: 2.0.1 release date: 2023-05-23
Slack Connector: Transfer of the articles
Shipping and payment methods with "No customer" group
Price calculation net customer group and option "Fix Prices" from German Market
Price calculation for backend orders with offer period in the future
Output price per unit for variants with automatic price per unit calculation from German Market
Output bulk price table with German Market option "Replace variable product price through variation price"
Registration: Document field if no customer group selected
Color picker adjusted
Small bugfixes
Version: 2.0 release date: 2023-05-15
Upgrade registration add-on: Document upload, manual account activation, email text customizations, more settings
Option to disable WooCommerce coupons for customer groups
Minimum order quantity per customer group
Customer Group "All customers" integrated in customer group settings
Germanized: Added price per unit to bulk price table
Option for free shipping to hide all other shipping methods
Improved compatibility with WPML
For B2B discounts: Show only the sale price or only the sale badge
Performance improvements
Translate name/title of the groups (All customers, Guest, Customer) when backend language changes
Improvement color picker
Price per unit calculation with German Market and variants
Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles
Improved compatibility with Divi / Elegant Theme Builder
Improved compatibility with WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce
Improved compatibility with Astra theme
Compatibility with Product Configurator for WooCommerce
Compatibility automatic price per unit calculation with Germanized
Compatibility sale badge with Atomion %-display for B2B discounts
Compatibility with WooCommerce Discount Rules
Compatibility with WooCommerce Tax Toggle
Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions
Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
Compatibility with Beaver Builder (Woo Product Slider) and Black-/Whitelist
Compatibility with Min-Max quantities in the mini cart with theme "Minimog"
Compatibility with JetWooBuilder and Black-/Whitelist
Compatibility with plugin WooCommerce Product Table (Lite)
Compatibility with PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro plugin
Compatibility with Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce
Tax calculation based on WooCommerce settings
Coupon multiple times usable per customer for quantity discount
First order discount still valid if order is not completed immediately
B2B prices for manual order editing in the backend
Output of VAT rate on invoice PDF (from German Market), if net customer group
Quantity discount for guest orders with checkout login at the same time
Small bugfixes
Version: release date: 2022-11-07
Compatibility with Salesman "Free Shipping Progress Bar" module
Small bug fixes
Version: 1.0.11 release date: 2022-06-27
Cart Discount (by value)
Compatibility with TM Extra Product Options
Compatibility with Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce
Compatibility with Woocommerce Custom Product Addons
Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons
Compatibility with Divi Library
Compatibility with Shortcodes and Elementor
Compatibility with Shipping B2B Market and Plugin Side Cart Premium
Compatibility with Uncode and Price Updater
Compatibility with JupiterX with Minicart widget
Compatibility with Avia Theme Builder
Compatibility with Free Gifts for WooCommerce
Compatibility with WooCommerce Tax Toggle
Price per unit calculation in conjunction with German Market
Double Opt-In: For WooCommerce versions >= 6.0 and enabled WooCommerce setting "Send the new user a link to set their password when creating an account", the "Double Opt-In" activation email will not show the password, but the "New Account" email after activation will show the password generation link.
Sale prices in conjunction with 'Sale-Badge' option / RRP variants
Price display suffix of simple products
Output of price range after reset when variant is selected
Consideration of the offer period for offer price and sale badge
RRP for variable products in conjunction with Germanized
Small bug fixes
Version: 1.0.10 release date: 2022-03-14
Do not show total amount feature for grouped products
Price display for grouped products
Performance optimized
Filter for 404 forwarding Black-/Whitelist implemented
Bulk price table improved
Slack connector - transfer company field
Price updater modified for prices on category page
Rounding for minimum order value in shopping cart and checkout
Compatibility with Black-, Whitelist and WPBakery
Compatibility with Divi and "Similar products" section
Compatibility price updater for Elementor and Elementor Pro
Compatibility with UX Builder improved
Compatibility with Open Shop
Compatibility with Variation Swatches
Compatibility Javascript price updater with Flatsome for variable products
Compatibility Price Updater with "Themify Shoppe-Child" Theme
Compatibility with Product Configurator for WooCommerce
Compatibility Price Updater with XStore
Minimum order total for gross customer group
Price per unit calculation by weight for bulk prices
Price per unit calculation by weight for variants
Prices hiding function and quick view (Atomion)
Price per unit display / calculation (Thankyou page + emails) customized
Sale badge / strike price option for B2B discounts also for guests
Cross-sell price display corrected
No price update bulk prices if variants have same prices
Price display in quick view for Atomion
Customer group switcher function when customer group is a number
WooCommerce Structured Data and "hide price" function
Quantity discount for all selected categories
Fixed bug in variants: Creation of multiple fields for B2B prices when using ATUM plugin.
When adjusting prices via QuickEdit, offer price is no longer set to 0
Fixed Slack connector - no items in notification for frontend orders
Small bug fixes
Version: release date: 2021-12-13
Sale-Price for variable products (and no-customer group)
Sale-Badge for variable products
Update price (JavaScript) for variable products with same price per variation
Version: release date: 2021-12-08
Decreased minimum PHP version from PHP 8 to 7.4
Version: 1.0.9 release date: 2021-12-08
Crontrol Sale-Badge for B2B Prices per customer group
Optimized version of the Ex-and Importer
Improved Pricing Calculation with JavaScript
Backlist/Whitelist for Gutenberg Blocks
Slack Connector - order confirmation from admin orders