Changelog - Cookie Cracker
Version: 1.0.8 release date: 2024-11-18
- compatibility with WordPress 6.7
Version: 1.0.7 release date: 2024-09-10
- providing PHP files for a performant translation (WordPress 6.5)
- still load German language file for languages "Austria" / "Switzerland" if performant translations are used
- compatibility with FSE themes
Version: 1.0.6 release date: 2024-02-20
- Added filter "cc_tmp_text_read_only" for read only text fields
- Added filter "cc_wp_remote_get_args" for wp_remote_get args
- Better PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Better markup: links without href are now buttons
- Unblock iFrames via JS on cached sites
Version: 1.0.5 release date: 2023-01-31
- Load correct default values in trait CC_Blockertext
- Small bugfixes
Version: 1.0.4 release date: 2022-06-15
- Compatibility WooCommerce 6.6.0
Version: release date: 2022-05-31
- Default script cookie cracker output privacy URL automatically
- Hide banner in print version of the page
- Use of German language files with Austrian and Swiss page language
- Regeneration of the dynamic CSS on plugin update
- Compatibility WooCommerce 6.5.1
- Compatibility with page builders
- Compatibility with WP-Rocket
- Customization Meta Script Templates (Previously Facebook)
- Content Blocker Detection
- Removed paragraph in popup
- "Always allow" in general iFrame Blocker
- Content Blocker Facebook
- Small bugfixes
Version: release date: 2021-12-01
- Display of the necessary button
Version: 1.0.2 release date: 2021-09-29
- WPML Compatibility
- TCF 2.0 integration (beta)
- Import/Export Cookie Cracker settings
- Allow crawlers/bots full access
- Filter for customization [cc_edit] shortcode output
- Filter for external imprint / privacy page
- Filter for SameSite attribute
- Opt-out code field for cookies / scripts
- Theme compatibility: Enfold
- HTML markup in frontend banner
- Customizer preview compatibility
- Delete set cookies as soon as visitor changes corresponding settings
- Default SameSite attributes for own cookies
- Representations in the license area
- Display and clarity of cookies & scripts
- Banner Layout Bottom: Display "Save selection" only if there is also a selection
- Display of the listing of cookies in the frontend banner
- Minor improvements in various caching plugins
- Content Blocker: Vimeo was only blocked when general iFrame Blocker was active.
- Opt-in code syntax highlighting was missing when adding a new script
- Bug fixing Cookie Cracker cookie runtime
- Bug fixing display in customizer preview
- "Load template" threw errors in certain cases
- Small bugfixes
Version: 1.0.1 release date: 2021-04-28
- Shortcode "[cc-edit]" can now be executed correctly on the unblocked pages (imprint, privacy)
- Use nonces when saving (security)
- Default values of groups (templates) adjusted
- Compatibility B2B Market
- Compatibility WP-Rocket
- Compatibility WP Fastest Cache
- Compatibility Autoptimize
- Content Blocker: First blocker can now be deleted
- Content Blocker: Content is only blocked if corresponding blocker is active
- Timestamps for proof of consent are now correct
- Small bugfixes